Around the house BDSM hacks

BDSM Hack - Heavy-duty suction/vacuum cups for drill free anchor points. - Not Very Vanilla

BDSM Hack - Heavy-duty suction/vacuum cups for ...

Want anchor points but can not or do not want to drill holes in your walls or ceilings? Heavy duty vacuum/suction cups could be a solution for you.

BDSM Hack - Heavy-duty suction/vacuum cups for ...

Want anchor points but can not or do not want to drill holes in your walls or ceilings? Heavy duty vacuum/suction cups could be a solution for you.

Ikea BDSM Hack #3 - Step Stool to Forced Orgasm chair - Not Very Vanilla

Ikea BDSM Hack #3 - Step Stool to Forced Orgasm...

We found this creative way to turn a step stool into a forced orgasm chair with a magic wand and a loop bracket.  

Ikea BDSM Hack #3 - Step Stool to Forced Orgasm...

We found this creative way to turn a step stool into a forced orgasm chair with a magic wand and a loop bracket.  

IKEA BDSM Hack #2 - Modified MITTBACK Spanking Bench - Not Very Vanilla

IKEA BDSM Hack #2 - Modified MITTBACK Spanking ...

Added a pad to the top, padded side supports and some black paint to a MITTBACK table trestle to create a BDSM spanking bench. 

IKEA BDSM Hack #2 - Modified MITTBACK Spanking ...

Added a pad to the top, padded side supports and some black paint to a MITTBACK table trestle to create a BDSM spanking bench. 

Luggage cart BDSM hack for when you are traveling - Not Very Vanilla

Luggage cart BDSM hack for when you are traveling

Luggage carts make great frames from BDSM play. 

Luggage cart BDSM hack for when you are traveling

Luggage carts make great frames from BDSM play. 

Duct Tape BDSM hack for bondage restraints - Not Very Vanilla

Duct Tape BDSM hack for bondage restraints

Good old fashioned duct tape will do the trick

Duct Tape BDSM hack for bondage restraints

Good old fashioned duct tape will do the trick

Home Depot BDSM hack #1 - Not Very Vanilla

Home Depot BDSM hack #1

You never know where you can find great items that can double as vanilla furniture and a great fetish play bench. We found this little gem that also has drawers...

Home Depot BDSM hack #1

You never know where you can find great items that can double as vanilla furniture and a great fetish play bench. We found this little gem that also has drawers...