The Rundown on Lubes

The need and application for lube varies as much as the varieties available. There are so many out there to choose from. Where do you start? Which do you use for what? Did your favorite brand go out of stock, what do you do now?
•  Water based lubes are the most neutral. They are great for:
•  Playing with a partner(s) that require condoms
•  If you are really sensitive to added ingredients
•  Playing with toys

Our favorite water-based lube is made by XR brands and is available in multiple sizes. From 2 oz (which is great for traveling) and up to 16 oz with a pump. Great for those longer sessions that may or may not include anal play and/or multiple partners. 


Passion Water-Based Lube 8oz


Cum lube is a very popular product. And we agree they are great. Even the water-based options have a little bit of a thicker and creamier consistency, which makes these products feel and look more natural over-all. Our favorites are:
Water-based Cum Lube:

Jizz Cum Lube
Jizz Unscented Water-Based Lube 8oz
Loadz Cum Load Unscented Water-Based Lube 8 Fl. Oz
Loadz Cum Load Unscented Water-Based Lube 8 Fl. Oz

For Hybrid Cum Lube:

Spunk Lube Hybrid Pump 8 Fl Oz

Spunk hybrid-pump 8 fl oz

Recommendations for various situations:
•  Swinger play dates: 4 oz. water-based Passion lube
•  Anal play with a fluid bound partner (no condoms): Spunk hybrid
•  Anal play with a non-fluid bound partner (with condoms): 16 oz. water-based Passion lube
•  Content creators: water-based Cum Load by Loadz
•  Alone with glass or steel toys: Spunk hybrid
•  Alone with any other material toys (silicone, leather etc): 8 oz. water-based Passion lube

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